It’s Back! Progressive Wine Party Returns

We’re putting the Progressive Wine Party back on the calendar for the evening of January 24th from 7-10pm.

We’re in the planning stages now, and we need YOUR help to make this happen.  Please let us know if you can be one of our three host homes for this event.  Email President [at] to volunteer, and check the Yahoo Group for more information.

This year we’ll send the invite out through direct email, so if you want to attend, make sure we have your updated email address!

Movies and Meteors

Movie night was Incredible!

Thanks to all who came out for our first HOA Movie Night.  It was a great night to keep warm under blankets while the Incredibles played on the Big Screen.  The movie ended just before the Meteor went streaking across the Austin sky.

Keep your eye out for the next movie… we’ll have it before the next Meteor…

Oct 5 is Oktoberfest!

GHRHA Oktoberfest and National Night Out Block Party
Come join your neighbors for a fun filled evening on Sunday, October 5th for Oktoberfest and National Night Out.
We’ll have a live polka band providing the entertainment while you  visit and enjoy some sausage wraps, hot dogs, pretzels, beer, and snow cones.
The party is from 5:00-7:00pm on Blue Beach Cove.
This is also our annual National Night Out – Texas Style – Celebration.  The NNO is moved to October for cooler temperatures.
We’ll see you there!

Spring Clean Success!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this weekend’s Spring Clean Events.

As some of you know, the HazMat pick up was almost too successful. With the evening drop off, the trailer was full only 20 minutes into the morning. I apologize for those that we had to turn away later in morning.  This is about half of what we eventually delivered to the City, and we needed Dustin to climb deep into the trailer to rearrange boxes in order to fit what we had for our first run. We ended up filling two trailer loads of batteries, oil, paint, and antifreeze.

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We appreciate all of the kind words for this event, as well as your patience and understanding when we had to turn away certain types of chemicals. I also want to thank the many neighbors who also stayed around to help me load BOTH truck loads and also caravan with me to the Hazmat site.

We called ahead to let the City know we were coming, and they staffed up to help, and as you can see below it was quite an operation.

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For those of you who found more items, or who have chemicals we were not able to collect, the pickup facility is just east of I-35 on Ben White.  No need to make an appointment or call ahead if you are taking your own delivery.

The other successful part of our Spring Clean was the Balcones Shred Truck.  The truck was able to take in boxes and boxes of paper and shred on site while neighbors watched.  If anyone missed the truck but found documents they would like to have destroyed, Balcones provided us a couple “take home” bags that can be filled with paper and taken directly to their site at no charge. I will have a couple with me at Spring Fling next weekend.


Looking forward to seeing everyone at Spring Fling!

GHRHA Spring Fling MAY 10, 5-7pm, Blue Beach Cove

Come join your GHRHA Neighbors for the Annual Spring Fling! We’ll have ice cream, margaritas, beer and wine and family drinks, together with Pizza and cookies. Enjoy entertainment from our favorite balloon clown, face painting, and the Games 2 U game truck. We hope to see you at Blue Beach Cove for this fun annual event.


DUES payments due by May 31.

Drop off at 7404 Blue Beach Cove or mail to GHRHA, P.O. Box 202643, Austin, TX, 78720-2643.


Looking Ahead:

Fourth of July Parade, 8:30 am, Laurel Mountain Elementary School parking lot

OctoberFest – October 5, 5-7pm. Volunteer to help with planning!!

Check for more details! EVENTS will be updated at or

Join the Yahoo Group for GHRHA :

GHRHA Neighborhood Garage Sale MAY 3

It might not be trash, but you may not need it anymore. What to do? Join us for the 2014 Garage sale!

We will place an ad in the Statesman to help drive traffic to the area. We’ll also put out signs to make sure homes in the coves get traffic as well. The Sale will be advertised for 8-12, but feel free to start early or run late if you are getting lots of traffic.

GHRHA Household Hazmat Collection MAY 3


The trailer has been picked up for the HOA HazMat Collection. It is the U-Haul in front of 7613 Yaupon, just before Blue Lilly.  It is currently locked, so please do not come and leave materials outside of the trailer. Kids will be walking to school and we don’t want them messing with chemicals.

You are welcome to drop off materials Friday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Please call me at five-one-two-three-zero-one-zero-three-zero-nine if you want to come by.

ALL ITEMS must be marked with your name and address.

The main drop off time will be 7:00am to 8:00am this Saturday morning.  The trailer will leave at 8:00am sharp to take the delivery to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility.

Some rules:

ALL ITEMS must be marked with your name and address.
The Household Hazardous Waste Facility cannot accept materials generated by businesses.

This is for GHRHA homes only.

This is ONLY for Batteries, Oil, Paint and Antifreeze (think “BOPA”). While the Facility does take more types of chemicals, state requires permits are required to do remote collections of those chemicals.  Please do not bring anything but those four items.

Please put the items in a box or other container. The trailer bounces around and we want to minimize movement while driving.

Please tape closed any paint cans or other chemicals to prevent accidental opening.
ALL ITEMS must be marked with your name and address.




Time to dig out the old batteries, oil, paint and antifreeze for the Household Hazmat Collection.

Friday night we’ll set out a collection truck for delivery on Saturday morning (before the garage sale shoppers arrive). Collection will occur at 7613 Yaupon Dr, from 7-8 am. The truck will leave at 8:00 am and deliver the materials to the Austin Hazmat Facility. Please limit all items to only items by GHRHA residents, and only residential items (no business collection.) ALL ITEMS must be marked with your name and address.

GHRHA Shred Day MAY 3


Times are now confirmed. The shred truck will be available from 9-11am.
We have also received permission from the school to have the truck located in their parking lot. So we will attempt to have it situated to allow cars to drive up, drop off, and drive out through the school.

With the increased awareness of identity theft, it’s important to dispose of personal records carefully. Bring your excess personal papers to the collection spot for the GHRHA Shred Day.

The Board has scheduled the Balcones Shred Truck to arrive for your on-site destruction of confidential papers. The truck will also accept electronic media, although that information will be destroyed back at their facility. Please plan to limit your “donation” to only personal paper from residential use.